
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Go Go (away) Power Rangers.

   Let's face it, I grew up in one of the greatest era's for kid's TV. There were a lot of great shows, the two best of which were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The turtles were my first love, and yes I still own several (a dozen or more) DVD's with episodes of the 80's series, all four feature films and the made for TV film and arcs from the revamped series from the 2000's, not to mention that I still read old issues of the comics it was all originally based on.
   A close second back in those days long ago though were the Power Rangers. I had to rush home from school everyday to catch the 3:30 airing everyday, even those most were re-runs. Back then I must have watched every episode 5-8 times. As the rangers evolved, and I grew older I still watched, but not nearly as adamentily. They evolved from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to the Zeo Rangers, from Zeo to Turbo and Turbo to another and another. (Yes they are still evolving slightly, though not linked as much as they were in the past I'll have more on that in the future.)
   I never saw the second film Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, and the concept of the Turbo Rangers, including the new Zords and having a child magically grow into an adult sized person when morphed seemed off to me. Sure there is supposed to be some suspension of belief but by that age of my life I was already turning into the cynic I am today.
   I've sporadically seen a few episodes here and there since then, but never really been able to call myself a fan since around 1997 or so. I was roughly 12 years old.
   Recently I've been feeling nostalgic and revisiting my childhood; Or the very few vestiges that I had actually abandoned. So I got a smartphone, downloaded the first two seasons of MMPR, roughly 60 episodes and watched majority of them in about a 2 week span. It's not as bad as it sounds the edited version without commercials, credits and the opening theme make each episode between 13-18 minutes.
   What I discovered from this experience though, is that the show didn't get bad as I got older, it was always bad. I also discovered that I must like bad shows, as even though it was bad, nay terrible, I watched them all, and then added Power Rangers Zeo to my netflix que so that I could continue on watching more and more of it.
   I'm sure I'll get sick of it before I get through all 400,000 seasons, but maybe not. Maybe this time I watch it to fruition. There are always more episodes of TMNT to keep me busy though, so I'll probably give up and go back to my first love before to long.
   Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back by morning.


  1. That image must have been done before the release of Samurai, then

  2. Probably, I was short on time and didn't check that it had them all in it.

  3. Oh I wasn't saying it was your fault, just something I noticed. So, will you bother with Samurai, though?
