
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

My mother is one of the strongest women I know. She's had to put up with a lot during her life, but she always did right by me.

When I was growing up, we didn't have a lot of money, but I rarely wanted to anything. Especially after my parents divorced, mom had to work a lot just to keep our meager roof over our heads, but she still rarely missed a football game (despite me rarely playing after junior high.), and she never missed a wrestling meet. She was also there for track meet's, though as a thrower my events were over after less than 20 minutes. Through all of that she never complained and was always there for me.

That's why my mother is so special, she is an amazingly strong woman, that was dealt a bad hand but didn't let it get her spirits down.

I took her out for dinner last night, and bought her a few trinkets, neither of which are enough to even begin to pay her back for all that she did for me.

Thank's mom.

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