
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Return of King Kon a success

Dearborn Heights native Jay Langley shows off 

his creation, the "Scare Bears." 

His stuffed bears 

are a takeoff on the 80's cartoon 

"The Care Bears.”

ALLEN PARK —  More than 250 people showed up for the first of four local comic book shows.
The first King Kon of the season was held Saturday at the Masonic Lodge, 17212 Ecorse Road. The small show featured many vendors that refuse to attend larger shows, making access to their comics and other pop culture-related items a rare occurance.

The show also featured Dirk Manning, the writer and creator of such independent books as "Tales of Mr. Rhee," "Love stories About Death," and "Nightmare World,” who signed autographs. Manning's works are generally published by Image or Shadowline Comics.

Tony Miello, the Downriver author and creator of "Gapo the Clown," also was at the show, along with many other local and independent comic book writers and artists also attended.

The show will be back at the lodge June 16, Aug. 3 and Nov. 16.

Wyandotte artist John Marroquin promoted his independent comic “Mesheeka.”

Ron Henderson shows off a blue Snaggletooth action figure. 

The figure, from a toy line put out in conjunction with 1977's 

"Star Wars," is one of the rarest figures produced for the film. 

The figure in his hand is worth about $150.

 Lauren Becker (left) and Laura Davis discuss a hardcover graphic novel. Becker runs Warp 9 Comics in Clawson and Davis is the co-owner 

of Big Ben's Comix Oasis in Allen Park.

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