
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Get ready for the great #VMRewatch

My fellow Martians and I are on our way back to Neptune, and you're all invited.
Some of you may already know where I'm going with that, others may think I've finally gone loopy, either way, we're not going on an interstellar ride through the cosmos.
What I'm happy about is the “Veronica Mars,” movie finally getting made; and the way that producer Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell went about getting it done.
In mid-March the duo got approval from Warner Brothers to raise $2 million to make the movie. If they could get that, then WB executives agreed to market and distribute the movie.
Turning to, a website that's all about funding indie projects, the movie raised the money in about 11 hours. The site gives projects 30 days to raise their goal, by the end of that period the movie had raised more than $5.7 million.
So in about a year, I'll be a happy man, once the movie hits theaters. Yes I kicked in $50 to help fund the movie.
What's even more exciting is that this project has given me reason to dig out my box sets of the three seasons the show ran on television.
One of the News-Herald's bloggers, David Scanlan, and myself will be rewatching the show one episode at a time each Thursday at 8 p.m. for the next several months.
During the re-watch we'll be tweeting at #VMRewatch, and we hope that you'll join us.
If you can't join us, I'll be keeping a log of all of the tweets on my blog, Confessions of a 20-Something Manchild, which can be found at
For the uninitiated Veronica Mars waa a television series set in fictional Neptune, California. The titular character was a student that progressed from high school to college over the course of the three seasons it aired. She worked as a private investigator in her father's office for much of the series.
The first two seasons had season-long story arcs, while the third season had smaller arcs that each ran several episodes.
A fourth season that would have pushed the character past college into a burgeoning career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation was planned, but never came to fruition as the show met an early demise in 2007.
Bell, who starred as Mars throughout the series and has told fans that if a movie were ever to be produced she would jump at the chance to return to the role, has been campaigning for a movie for about six years.
Now stars and fans alike will get their wish.

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