
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

North Carolina City works with youths to make comic book

While checking out what comic shops I'd stop into while I'm on vacation at the end of November, I ran across the following information on the Chapel Hill's website. Very cool. I wish some communities around here would do something similar. I'll definitely be trying to check out this book when it's done.

The 2013 Community Arts Project: Comics Speak

Comics Speak!

In collaboration with the NC Dream Team and The Ella Baker Women's Center for Leadership and Community Activism, local visual artist Luis Franco and poet and writer Kane Smego organized a project with African American, Latino, and multiracial youth to discuss racial identity and issues of racism through the expressive medium of the graphic novel or comic book.

During a series of twelve Saturday morning workshops at the Street Scene Teen Center (and additional outside work) the teens developed their characters by writing poems about themselves and their own experiences with racism.  They then crafted story lines, storyboards and plot sequences, and drew and colored the various frames to bring their superheroes to life on the pages of their very own comics. The teens' artwork and poetry debuts in an exhibition at the ArtsCenter in Carrboro on May 17 from 6-8 p.m. where the community will have the opportunity to speak with the young artists and ask them questions about the project.

“Comics Speak!” grew out of a response to a community need for expression, discussion, and collaboration. The goal was to empower youth of color to use the arts to confront the obstacles they and their communities face on a regular basis, as well as celebrate the vibrant cultural identities they possess. The project provided space and instruction for these youth to connect and identify these issues, by using both visual art and spoken word as a means of communicating with the community at large. The project was an extension of two earlier community workshops conducted by Chapel Hill’s Sacrificial Poets that identified a desire for an artistic means of expression for the teens that was positive and identity-affirming. 

Comics Speak!

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