
Saturday, January 18, 2014

‘Clockwork Game’ author signed at Green Brain Comics

DEARBORN — Jane Irwin, author of “Vögelein: Clockwork Faerie” and “Vögelein: Old Ghosts” just released her newest graphic novel, “Clockwork Game,” which is based on a true story.
Irwin, who lives in Kalamazoo, had a book signing at Green Brain Comics Saturday.
The new book published by Fiery Studios, is based on the true story of the world’s first chess-playing automaton.
The story starts off in 1770 when the court of Empress Maria Theresia witnessed one of that era's most amazing feats of engineering: a machine that could play chess. Constructed by a talented Hungarian nobleman named Wolfgang von Kempelen, the chess-machine played a unique game against each opponent, far surpassing the abilities of all its fellow automata. Audiences flocked to see the astonishing mechanical marvel seemingly capable of human intelligence.
Known colloquially as "The Turk", though never called as such by its owners, the automaton toured across two continents, playing many famous opponents throughout its long and storied career.
While the basic story is true, the book is classified as “historical fiction.”
“I read a book by a while ago by a gentleman named Tom Standage,” Irwin said. “The one thing from all of the retellings I’ve read about it was a visual retelling. No one has ever figured out exactly how it worked, though we have a pretty good idea.”
Irwin also drew the artwork for the book, which was funded through Kickstarter.
“I had an incredibly generous group of backers,” she said. “I was able to make the book even more deluxe, do even more cool things with the special edition hard cover.
The book took over six years to complete from concept to the final print product.
Anyone interested in buying a copy of the book, or for more information about it can check out

*Post has been edited to correct the spelling of Standage's last name.

1 comment:

  1. Just a nitpick, but the author of the book Ms. Irwin mentions -- "The Turk: The Life and Times of the Famous Eighteenth-Century Chess-Playing Machine" -- is Tom Standage not "Standich."
