
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

“Vendetta” Reaches its Epic Conclusion in UNCANNY X-FORCE #17!

 This January, Vendetta reaches its epic conclusion in the pages of UNCANNY X-FORCE #17 – from blockbuster writer Sam Humphries and red-hot artists Harvey Tolibao and Dexter Soy! Classic X-Force villain STRYFE has returned and is determined to exact his revenge upon Cable…by taking from him what he holds most dear: his daughter, Hope!  But rather than killing Hope, Stryfe plans to corrupt her. He’s put Bishop—the man who relentlessly hunted her across time—in Hope’s crosshairs…and the means to end him in her hands. Will Stryfe get his revenge by enabling Hope to get hers? One thing’s for sure: after this, X-Force will never be the same. Don’t miss the senses-shattering conclusion to “Vendetta” this January in UNCANNY X-FORCE #17!

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